it looks like something/one has selectively removed all of my facebook deportation updates/tweets! wtf!
Category: Uncategorized
i love this photo
i’m exausted but am loving the coverage my friends are providing
2nd, my t^2 video did something over 150,000 chinese gave their lives 2 do. i’m no tank man, but i felt their collective spirit in my hands.
Reason #1 euro airports have a leg up on american airports. Smoking areas. Why do i need to bother security w/ another bloke? Chucies!
On our way to nyc
Landed @ newark. Now heading to sft’s office in manhattan.
I’m Having some Nyc culture shock. I can’t believe that i’m here.
1st, thank you all for all of your tweets of support. i’m in a sleep deprived emotional state.
We’ve landed into LA. Now it’s time for one of the most memorable customs checkin.