What they did not want you to ever find out is that your generation, the generation born between 1980-1995, actually outnumbers the Baby Boomers. They knew that if you ever turned your eye towards political reform, you could change the world. They tried to keep you sated on vapid television shows and vapid music. They cut off your education and fed you brain candy. They took away your music and gave you Top Ten pop stations. They cut off your art and replaced it with endless reality shows for you to plug into, hoping you would sit quietly by as they ran the world. We as a society are only as strong as our weakest link. Give ‘em hell, kids.I’ve never loved a post so much in the history of tumblr
Author: Noel Hidalgo
There is something very wrong with [Uber]. It’s like Richard Nixon came back from the grave and is running a startup.
Today, we launch www.citygram.nyc — subscribe to NYC #OpenData subjects & locations.
Today, we launch www.citygram.nyc — subscribe to NYC #OpenData subjects & locations.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Citygram.NYC, a notification platform that works with New York City’s Open Data. Citygram allows you to subscribe to events in Open Data sets that happen near you. You can choose to receive daily SMS updates, or a weekly email digest.
The report will say nearly three-quarters of all Airbnb rentals in the city are illegal, violating zoning or other laws. Commercial operators, not hard-luck residents, supply more than a third of the units and generate more than a third of the revenue. At least a handful of landlords are running what amount to illegal hostels.
Competing visions of the future of the city’s digital engagement with the public came to light Wednesday morning in a hearing on proposed legislation to create a city petition platform similar to the White House’s We The People site.
You can set a message like “!Gather 7pm at 1st and Main” or “@press please don’t photo faces” or “#Legal Aid is 2125551212″, or even just motivational messages “#staycalm #noviolence” or “#theworldiswatching”. If people like what you have written, they can change their status that message, and rebroadcast another 30 feet in whatever direction they are headed. Again, it is basically Twitter combined with doing “the wave” at a football game, except the wave is powered by these little super computers radio stations we have in our pockets.
THE_MESSAGE 2014.39 – This week’s hacknight, #CfASummit, & Best of #CfASummit event!
This week, BetaNYC is in two places at once!
Tomorrow, a new crew of community leaders will take over hosting hacknights & #CivicFreeSchool. As we grow, we’re excited to grow BetaNYC’s leadership team. Join them tomorrow at Dev BootCamp and keep hacking the planet!
Chris, Ariel, and I are out in San Fransisco for the nation’s primer civic technology and design conference. Code for America is putting together one of the world’s best open government and civic technology conferences: http://bit.ly/cfasummit2014
Additionally, CfA will live webcast their main stage speeches.
During the event, catch the buzz on Twitter #cfasummit: http://bit.ly/cfasummittwitter
On October 15, BetaNYC and Microsoft will co-host a #CfASummit in NYC / best of BetaTalk. Join us online or on October 15th and learn about the latest in technology and design!
Also, Code for America has archived 62 speeches from 2013 here:
Webcast time zone converted (starts 2:30 pm Pacific time, Tue Sept 23. then 1:30 pm day two and three):
- http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday1worldtime
- http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday2worldtime
- http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday3worldtime
See you on the internets!!!
– BetaNYC Leadership Team
In the summer of 2009, The New York Senate was the first government organization to post code to GitHub, and that fall, Washington DC quickly followed suit. By 2011, cities like Miami, Chicago, and New York; Australian, Canadian, and British government initiatives like GOV.UK; and US Federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission, General Services Administration, NASA, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were all coding in the open as they began to reimagine government for the 21st century.
Penate scoffs at those in the United States who suggest that Central American kids are using the violence merely as an excuse to seek asylum in the United States. “How can you argue with it?” he says. “You see it every day here on TV, kids getting recruited by the gangs, and if they refuse to join they get shot.” Ideally, he says, the ATF would have one or two people in each Northern Triangle country. He hadn’t heard that his agency had passed on the emergency funding. “That money would come in very handy,” he said ruefully. That he is doing his work with so little support symbolizes the U.S. attitude toward its responsibilities in Central America. We turn from the refugees fleeing north, as our firepower heads south.
Hopefully we can put the government in the people’s pocket