Gentrification is over. It’s gone. And it’s been gone since the dawn of the twenty-first century. Gentrification itself has been gentrified, pushed out of the city and vanished. I don’t even like to call it gentrification, a word that obscures the truth of our current reality. I call it hyper-gentrification.
Category: Uncategorized
As I say goodnight to my island of ancestry, I will think about my maternal & paternal families & the unflinching love that they spread across the world.
This trip has been a solid head check into the future I want to build. For the next few months, I will meditate on how to bring this energy into everything that I do.
Good night my island of enchantment. (at Funeraria Moca Memorial)
Yes, please.
We are seeing a rising trend of what can be termed “open-washing” (inspired by “greenwashing“) – meaning data publishers that are claiming their data is open, even when it’s not – but rather just available under limiting terms. If we – at this critical time in the formative period of the data driven society – aren’t critically aware of the difference, we’ll end up putting our vital data streams in siloed infrastructure built and owned by international corporations. But also to give our praise and support to the wrong kind of unsustainable technological development.
We have technology rapidly moving ahead in terms of its ability to gather information about people,” said state Representative Jonathan Hecht, a Watertown Democrat who filed the bill along with state Senator Cynthia Creem of Newton, Brookline and Wellesley. “We need to have a conversation about how to balance legitimate uses of this technology with protecting people’s legitimate expectation of privacy.
In order to even begin exploring the city’s other options, New Yorkers first have to stop deluding themselves into believing that today’s hyper-gentrification is the same old thing. We all have to stop saying, “New York always changes, so this is normal.” This is not normal. This is state sponsored, corporate driven, turbo charged, far flung, and impossible to stop in its current form. Hyper-gentrification is the Thing That Ate New York, the Blob, the choose your monster-movie metaphor, an ever-growing, ever-devouring beast that will not be satisfied until there’s nothing left.
Fill out NYC’s Civic Hacker survey and be entered to win a ticket to PDF 2014
Fill out NYC’s Civic Hacker survey and be entered to win a ticket to PDF 2014
TL;DR version > FILL OUT THIS SURVEY & WIN PDF TICKETS! > news from our friends at Personal Democracy Media!!!
in the meantime, Loeb has one piece of advice for cosmologists. “Until proven wrong, we should assume we are not special.”
BetaNYC’s Statement of support for the Mayor’s Vision Zero Report & the release of data
BetaNYC’s Statement of support for the Mayor’s Vision Zero Report & the release of data
Date: Monday, 23 Feb 2014
From: Noel Hidalgo, Executive Director of BetaNYC
To: NY City Council joint hearing on Mayor’s Vision Zero report.
Subject: In support of the Mayor’s Vision Zero report, particularly tools for data and engagement to empower local decision making capabilities.
NY City Council wants to be more responsive
On Monday, February 24th, at 2pm, the NY City Council’s Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections will hold a public hearing on the question: “What changes in the City Council’s Rules can make a more responsive, transparent, and effective legislature?” The hearing will be in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
If you can not participate physically, you can participate virtually. Join the conversation on the Council’s website.