i am pinning my weekend on the last HOPE – http://tinyurl.com/5saq52
Category: Uncategorized
on the phone w/ at&t & they say they will charge me $300 4 a lost phone they can’t seem 2 find. the presuppose is on me 2 find their mistake
i loathe at&t. the agent stated “we can only do what has been discribed in our policies you aggreed to when you returned the phone”
2 hours on my bike and mi nads r in a riot! Oi! I need a bath
Note to self, read more on byzantine empire
still adding people to my address book. i am now crossing the threashold of insanity.
damn, someone just got their front bumper ripped off infront of the gallery. somedays it pays to keep the door open.
i love this video http://tinyurl.com/5wt7jm
i also love this video http://tinyurl.com/578dc5
so i’m on this nyc tech email list and people think politics is dissociative of technology. oh lordy, i gotta bring them into the flock.