Omg, there is so much history to download on hackivism. #hope08
Category: Uncategorized
Dropped by the 5th ave apple store this morn & they were already sold out of 3g iPhones. It amazes me how hot they are. Now at #hope08
Omg, I’m in a packed room filled with geeks to hear about anal sex. #hope08
Back at #hope08 with an extra pass if u wanna hear some bitchin presentations.
Btw, u all can thank @jonathanpberger for offering up his pass for anyone who wants to attend #hope08
Hot damn! In 1988, Frank zappa predicted the modern inet music distribution system. #hope08
Damn, the #hope08 assistants r starting 2 b agrssive about where people r sitting. Apparently, it’s the FDNY who’s cracking down. – are u on there?
Watching the premier of hackateer – a hacker web tv series that melds how-to, interviews and fictional narrative #hope08 looks interesting, but I think this guy should do his reseach w/ “the all for nots” & “epicfu” & tighten up his edits #hope08