intersting, i seem to be beyond the great firewall with my unrestricted access to
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back at the sleepy inn with a heat rash on my chest and suspicious flea looking bites on my back. oh the wonders of international travel. 😛
“there are going to be lots of leaks in the system”
i just streamed a tour of my beijing hotel room over EDGE. the buffer is slowly picking up, but looks like u kids have 2.30mins 2 wait
woot! i just got an invite for a pho dinner (aka Vietnamese). btw, check for the latest photos from china!
I was hungry and had a mac attack. Now in the subway with an upset stomach. With 2 big macs in my belly i’m having a true mac attack.
Sweet! I just discovered that my hotel has free bikes to rent! Watch out beijing, here comes the noneck. Now how can i score a free scooter?
If youre looking for a spot of shade in t square youre in trouble. Only saving grace is a lamp post. Oh it f’ing hot!
Heading to t. Square. Boy is it hot in beijing today.
A bit on the salty side, the ham, egg, cheese, on bread was damn tastey. 2boot every penny goes 2 the construction of an earthquake proo …