Have we been able to make this the most effective legislative body in the country? I don’t think so,” said Hoppin. “I don’t think technology every can. I think the job of technology is to not stand in the way and to invite more people into that conversation.
Month: July 2010
While some would argue that our budget woes are due to high taxes and excess regulation that drive businesses — and homeowners — out of state, inefficient land use and development are key causes, too.
“We’re not here to do poster art or recruiting posters,” Sergeant Battles, 42, said. “What we are sent to do is to go to the experience, see what is really there and document it — as artists.”
The Marine Corps’s Combat Art Program – NYTimes.com
via bmdesign
Social Network Trailer Cranks Up Rancor Behind Facebook’s Beginnings
How to Make an Awesome Community.
A basic 101 primer on finding and making online communities. What are your favorite web communities? Which one, is in your eyes, the best?
Via zadi
How to build companies without politics
How to build companies without politics
“One way you can eliminate cliques is by focusing on diversity.” aka set your bullshit filter to medium high. Honestly, my next start up is going to be staffed with passionate, political minded ninjas. After working in “politics”, I’m more than happy to work with anyone who’s worked in “political” offices. I just don’t plan working with the jerks who refuse to negotiate or don’t know how to integrate the best of everyone’s ideals.
Dakwak | Your web localization tool
Dakwak | Your web localization tool
dakwak is probably the easiest and fastest way to translate your website to any language your audience and visitors want.
“Our Footloose Remake” Trailer from DaveAOK on Vimeo.
(via epic:hipsterdiet:footlooseremake:erik)
The new media have caught on for a reason. Knowledge is increasing exponentially; human brainpower and waking hours are not. Fortunately, the Internet and information technologies are helping us manage, search and retrieve our collective intellectual output at different scales, from Twitter and previews to e-books and online encyclopedias. Far from making us stupid, these technologies are the only things that will keep us smart.