Mobile Tech4 Social Change NYC

Event details

  • A one-day event on Saturday, 21 February 2009 in New York/Hunter College’s ’Black Box
  • Exploring mobile tech to advance social development and social change goals.
  • Interactive, particpatory, hands-on.
  • For anyone interested in how mobile phones are changing the way we.

Hosts and Hunter College’s Integrated Media Arts Program



  • Building mobile apps for change
  • Mobile Fundraising 101
  • An primer on mobile social marketing
  • Mobiles for health
  • Citizen media via your phone –apps and lessons learned
  • Mobile activism in India
  • Has the Revolution Started Yet?  Mobile Tech and the Power of Individuals and Groups.
  • ENTER YOUR SESSION on the wiki

The concept of open source is going to become an undercurrent to almost everything this administration does,” declared the OSI’s President Michael Tiemann. “The American concept of democracy is not just of the people and by the people but with the people.” He said we have already seen a commitment to this open philosophy throughout President Obama’s election campaign. “I think what we will see now is a maturation in America and around the world of an understanding of the open source model.” Errol Louis of the New York Daily News seemed to agree. He described Mr Obama as “our first open source President, a leader willing to let anybody and everybody figure out how, when and where they want to get involved.” He noted that the strategy popularised by computer software companies in giving away software to get others to improve on it has now been applied to politics. Indeed the new website is said to be a portal for “interactive government” and “open source democracy.

Unlike other co-working spaces, you don’t rent space–you get a memebership. The idea behind the membership is that you get access to the space including conference rooms, the “library,” the cafe, events, networking, discounts at local merchants, and most of all the other members. The memberships are tiered depending on access to the space and range from common area access all the way to private four person offices.

NextSpace Tour from Margaret Rosas on Vimeo.

I Have Seen The Future Of Co-Working
That’s exactly how we do it at eclau, only we’re smaller and don’t have closed offices 😉
(via steph)

Join Investigate the Killing of Oscar Grant

BART shooting captured on video

do you remember the unbelievable new years shooting of an unarmed man at a Oakland BART station? now, my friends at Spot.US are tackling an investigative citizen journalism piece.

learn more and take action at

Dear Spot.Us Supporters,

Spot.Us is at it again! This time it is for a cause that is as old as civic journalism itself: the struggle between authority and those who are violently stricken down by authority.

As many know, Oscar Grant III was fatally shot by a BART police officer on New Years eve 2008 at the Fruitvale train station in Oakland, Calif. The subsequent protests and riots proved just how potent the subject of race and power is in Oakland. It is no surprise that our investigation into the Oakland Police department (ongoing) was funded by so many concerned and generous citizens in Oakland only four days before this shooting.

We are writing to you now because we believe the young man and father, Oscar Grant, deserves to have his story told. It’s an issue that concerns the Oakland community and affects us all.

Who was Oscar Grant?  How does this play out in the history of race as a palpable subject in Oakland?

Learn More and Take Action! –

Your small donation is an investment in community-driven reporting.

There are countless untold stories in the Bay Area, from Oscar Grants death to the phasing out of Oakland schools (another Spot.Us pitch) and they need your support.

Journalism can make a difference – in some situations, it can be the legacy of a man fatally shot down before his time. Lets make sure his story is told.

Your small donation will go towards the short documentary about Oscar Grant.

Learn More and Take Action! –

The Spot.Us Team
David Cohn – Director
Kara Andrade – Online Community Organizer