BetaNYC’s #BeyondTransparency Kickoff Event Summary

BetaNYC’s #BeyondTransparency Kickoff Event Summary

nycTWG’s letter to de Blasio on technology and transition

nycTWG’s letter to de Blasio on technology and transition

#betaNYC: The fate of Open Government in New York City

#betaNYC: The fate of Open Government in New York City

From BetaNYC:
It has been six hot months since we changed our name. In that time, we’ve been ironing out an update to our Purpose, Values, Goals, Mission, and Tools.

For now, this is the language we are working with. If you would like to add your comments or tweaks, visit our GitHub and comment away.

Visualizing NYC’s OpenData

Chris M Whong, BetaNYC’s co-Captian, visualized the 1100+ open datasets made available by New York City. This is a force-directed graph generated with the charting library d3.js. NYC’s open data portal runs on the Socrata platform*, and this visualization was created using the “dataset of datasets” and the Socrata Open Data API (SODA).

Chris writes “Why? The point is to show the scale of the portal, and to illustrate which datasets have user-created views. In the future, it would be great to dynamically size the circles by the popularity of the datasets.

* Chris is employed by Socrata
** GitHub Link