Like other innovation officers in the public sector, Austin’s chief innovation officer will work across city departments in an effort to break down silos, but also have a more outward-facing relationship with the community, helping to develop relationships between the city and universities and other individuals in the tech community.

“Get Lucky” took more than 18 months to write. The duo came up with the chord progression and organ part early on, then asked Mr. Hakim and Mr. East to record a rhythm track. Mr. Rodgers laid down the guitar tracks at the Electric Lady Studios in Manhattan, where he recorded his first Chic single in the 1970s. He jammed over the tracks, playing his trademark chord inversions and chicken-scratch rhythms until the riff emerged.

O’Brien was raised in a household where both parents spoke Spanish — but not to their children. They are Mexican immigrants and made a collective decision to ensure the next generation mastered English without the hint of an accent. Spanish was the secret language they used when they argued or talked about Christmas presents.

betaNYC, a Code for America brigade for NYC: betaNYC May 2013 Newsletter

betaNYC, a Code for America brigade for NYC: betaNYC May 2013 Newsletter


The Buycott App

Lets you check the connection of products to their parent companies to help you avoid buying from vendors such as the Koch brothers or those companies that don’t support LGBTQ rights.

And it’s super easy to use.

Today’s positive user response to the app has overwhelmed their servers. If you can’t get it today, try again later.

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Sandy was a complex storm, resulting in 72 direct deaths across eight states and at least 75 indirect deaths, damages in excess of $50 billion, storm surge in excess of eight feet and up to three feet of snow in some places. At close to 1,000 miles in diameter, it was among the largest storms ever to strike the United States. The storm caused impacts in 24 states.