as my own work has firmly entrenched the idea of creating your own media (ie my work during the Beijing Olympics), especially when it comes to under serviced/reported political actions, i’ve now discovered that Take Back NYU! has been live streaming vis-a-vis Ustream. sadly, at this very moment, they are off the air.
in this age of techo-political theater, if you want to control the message, you MUST control the media. in my two cent, arm-chair activist review, i think they should have gotten a mogulus stream and pre-packaged their asks into an endless number of videos clearly illustrating their demands while splicing in live feeds from their occupation. at a minimum, these kids should be twittering updates and taking their message directly to the public. BUT don’t get me wrong, this is one step up from the New School occupation…
btw, if anyone has access to these kids, someone should slip them a cell phone with qik and teach them to twitter. if the cops/authorities do decide to use force, there’s nothing more dramatic than a jostling moving image with people screaming/chanting “don’t tase me bro!”
good luck comrads!
Streaming live video by Ustream