
DoITT recently updated and automated a number of datasets, including the Department of Health and Mental Health’s flu vaccine locations and farmers market locations, the Department of Sanitation’s monthly tonnages and graffiti removal, and the Taxi and Limousine Commission’s lost property and active drivers, among others. The real time information in these datasets begins to tell the story of our city – from over 2,000 medical providers participating in NYC REACH, to over 51,000 active medallion taxi drivers, and the 140 farmers markets located across the city.

Monthly Tonnages, Department of Sanitation

Graffiti Information, Department of Sanitation

Lost Property Contact Information, Taxi and Limousine Commission

Active Medallion Drivers, Taxi and Limousine Commission

Authorized Medallion Vehicles, Taxi and Limousine Commission

Seasonal Flu Vaccine Locations, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Farmers Markets, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

NYC REACH (Regional Electronic Adoption Center for Health) Participants, Department of Health & Mental Hygiene

Visit the NYC OpenData portal at to access these new datasets and much more. 

Photo credit: littleny

Code Across NYC 2014 is next weekend!

Code Across NYC 2014 is next weekend!

A special message from NYC BigApps 2014! Register to be a mentor.

A special message from NYC BigApps 2014! Register to be a mentor.

This is an important moment in history; we know that prohibition does not work. We know that the people who devise drug laws are out of touch and have no idea how to reach a solution. Do they even have the inclination? The fact is their methods are so gallingly ineffective that it is difficult not to deduce that they are deliberately creating the worst imaginable circumstances to maximise the harm caused by substance misuse.

Coca-Cola knew exactly what it was doing with this commercial. It knew it would inflame white conservatives, but, more importantly, it knew the commercial would align Coke with Latinos and other quickly-growing groups in the United States. So Coke expands its market share and promotes its product while endorsing a vision of a diverse, multi-cultural America. What’s the harm?

Unfortunately, the harm lands squarely on the bodies of kids and families with few resources.