I f’ing love New York City.
Category: Uncategorized
A new tool to look at NYC’s most dangerous intersections
A new tool to look at NYC’s most dangerous intersections
Akil Harris has created new tool to look at NYC Crash Stats. This online map takes NYPD’s improved crash stat data and gives you easy access to the following views – City Council districts, Community Board zones, Neighborhoods – as defined by the city, Police Precincts, or Zip Codes.
Almost 20% of NYC BigApps 2014 projects were built by BetaNYC!
Almost 20% of NYC BigApps 2014 projects were built by BetaNYC!
This is phenomenal! This year’s NYC BigApps 2014 has grown what we pioneered last year. Last year, we helped changed the focus of NYC BigApps from being a “startup” competition to a “civic challenge” competition. No longer is the challenge to build a company, but now it is to solve a civic problem.
This year, the community has responded. Tomorrow is the first big milestone and by the looks of it, BetaNYC members have submitted close to 20% of the apps!
If you are a BetaNYC member and participated in NYC BigApps 2014, please add your name to this spreadsheet.
Also, don’t forget to vote for your favorite project.
New York’s Shadow Transit
BetaTalk: Meet Code for America’s fellowship team & former fellows
BetaTalk: Meet Code for America’s fellowship team & former fellows
About the BetaTalk
Since 2010, Code for America has been asking technologist and designers “what can you do for your neighbor?”
For this BetaTalk, we will have Alexander Tran and former CfA fellows talk about the fellowship program and their experience. To learn more about the Code For America Fellowship program, learn more about the program or apply today.
Schedule for the night
7:00 – Doors open with meet and greet happy hour
7:30 – Presentations begin
– Alexander Tran, CfA Fellowship Program Manager
– Former fellows
8:45 – Closing socializing
9:30 – Event concludes
My grandfather’s toe tags. RIP Antonio Hidalgo Soto. (at Hospital San Carlos Borromeo)
For nearly two decades, every rising barrier and reduced speed limit has been tailored to this seemingly impossible goal, of eradicating traffic deaths and serious injuries, and its guiding premise: Every inch of street space must anticipate, and accommodate, human error.
Through Twitter, these moments offer the reinforcement that even if you’re watching an event alone, you’re not alone in experiencing it. In these moments, we share in the roar of the crowd in moments of victory, we unite in hope or heartbreak in moments of tragedy, and we make and record history together.
Calling all shuffle board players
SHUFFLE BOARD PLAYERS NEEDED on Monday’s from 6:30 till 8:30 in Gowanus.
For the last 10 weeks, friends and I have been playing shuffle board league at the Royal Palms Shuffle Board Club in Gowanus. Our club, Gowanus Swim Club is ranked 12th in the City!!! We’ve just renewed for league round #2 and need 4 – 5 more players!
Roughly, it is about (less than) $100 per person. We need to find 4 – 5 committed individuals who will attend 6 weeks of play. In total, there are 8 to 10 games. Orientation starts 5 May. First league night is 12 May.
Who’s in?
Email me (noel(at)noneck(d0t)org) or comment below.
You’re not going to teach a coal miner to code. Mark Zuckerberg says you teach them [people] to code and everything will be great. I don’t know how to break it to you … but no.