A new tool to look at NYC’s most dangerous intersections

A new tool to look at NYC’s most dangerous intersections

Almost 20% of NYC BigApps 2014 projects were built by BetaNYC!

Almost 20% of NYC BigApps 2014 projects were built by BetaNYC!

BetaTalk: Meet Code for America’s fellowship team & former fellows

BetaTalk: Meet Code for America’s fellowship team & former fellows

Calling all shuffle board players

SHUFFLE BOARD PLAYERS NEEDED on Monday’s from 6:30 till 8:30 in Gowanus.

For the last 10 weeks, friends and I have been playing shuffle board league at the Royal Palms Shuffle Board Club in Gowanus. Our club, Gowanus Swim Club is ranked 12th in the City!!! We’ve just renewed for league round #2 and need 4 – 5 more players! 

Roughly, it is about (less than) $100 per person. We need to find 4 – 5 committed individuals who will attend 6 weeks of play. In total, there are 8 to 10 games. Orientation starts 5 May. First league night is 12 May. 

Who’s in?

Email me (noel(at)noneck(d0t)org) or comment below.