Heading to t. Square on a very “misty” day in beijing. This air is a white soup.
Category: Uncategorized
Looks like my early t. Square adventure has been foiled by some show that has blocked off all access.
I’ve now been told that the sq will open some time today but nothing definate
a great article on the 3 different type of events we will see over the next month http://tinyurl.com/59ndaa
in beijing, it’s a wonderful day 2 stay inside & follow up on the flurry of yesterday’s emails. in the afternoon, i’m heading out 2 geekout.
Now i’m being followed by a little old lady who told the last cab driver to kick me out. On foot looking for other followers.
Found a cab and now i’m heading for some coffee to chill for a bit.
back at the hotel sipping coffee and eating my toast. now it’s time to upload some photos! in the meantime http://qik.com/noneck
hot shit, i’m on the ESPN blog! http://tinyurl.com/5mqez5
it’s 3am in NYC & i see so many peeps still on AIM. i think all y’all should hit the hay. ps – i want chocolate bad!!!