Barton offers a rather remarkable apology to BP: “I apologise. I do not want to live in a country where every time a corporation does something wrong, it’s subject to a political process that amounts to a shakedown.”
Month: June 2010
if you love state government as much as i do, then you’re going to love this… we’re slowly rolling out a redesign of NYSenator’s front pages. here’s some previews on Flickr – Senator’s frontpage – Senator’s Newsroom. snark away. – basically says “yo dawg, I heard you like dissing your friends, so we put a Vuvuzela in a RickRoll, so you can Vuvuzela while you’re RickRolling.”
Handle with care.
via josh heller!
NYSenate Launches first in the nation state legislative app. Download source code via the NYSenateCIO’s blog.
I really have to thank Facebook … I didn’t know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time. I would never say the people on it are losers, but that’s only because I’m polite…People say ‘But Betty, Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends.’ Well at my age, if I want to connect with old friends, I need a Ouija board. Needless to say, we didn’t have Facebook when I was growing up. We had phonebook…but you wouldn’t waste an afternoon with it.
This must be a joke, right? Who wants the functionality of the NYS Senate brought to your cell phone? I want my phone to work…
Worst Oil Spills (Gavin Potenza) – via heller:laughingsquid
the hipster pigeon.