hire me

Dear Internets,

For the past twenty years, I’ve constantly reminded myself of the following Mark Twain quote, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

In the land of the Internets, I am known as “noneck.” For the last six years, I have focused on exploring community organizing, innovative technologies and the creative space between the two. For the past ten years, I have worked to understand the complex digital tools that enable our modern society and the communities that embrace them. Over the past 18 months, I journeyed around the world to six contents documenting the communities that live off of the Internet, lifecasted the process of becoming a New York City Yellow Cab driver, helped expose the totalitarian regime of China, helped crystalize political remix culture at RemixAmerica.org, helped create an election monitoring system on Twitter and helped foster the NYC technology community by running Williamsburg Coworking.

My commitment to community stems from my early explorations as a Boy Scout. Back then, our power to build was manifested through our physical meetings. Now, my global explorations have demonstrated our new ability to break through the physical to empower each other at a moment’s notice. After needing to scratch my own itch, I helped start NYC’s monthly Drupal meetups. At Polytechnic University, I helped pioneer unconferences. For the past two years, I have helped operate Not An Alternative – a Brooklyn-based non-profit production company that is home to Williamsburg Coworking. Within the small walls of NYC’s meeting salons, I have always sought out the intersection of art, technology, activism, and theory.

In these hard but innovative times, I now seek a partnership that will help me further my experiments and crystalize my dreams. Fundamentally, this position will help me empower a new generation of leaders. Ideally, we will cross-pollinate community organizing, skill sharing, citizen media and cutting edge technology. Specifically, I seek to meld the following:

  • A team that empowers people and educates them on community media and problem solving techniques.

  • An opportunity to meld online and offline communities to further unify the global connections we all share.

  • The ability to explore artistic creativity, hone multimedia production skills and explore innovative outreach techniques.

  • The partnership should be willing to invest in documenting these techniques in an open environment and be willing to test out multiple theories of empowerment.

If you know of any organization that is looking for a passionate, self educated, global explorer, who is dedicated to sharing his discoveries with the world, please contact me.


Noel Hidalgo

Twitter payment using Tipjoy has had a great initial success with the @wellwishes campaign. Just through tipjoy, we’ve raised $11,740.74 from 545 people. The median donation has been $2, meaning hundreds of people gave casually. This is a pretty big change, I think, and I hope Tipjoy grows to help non-profits at Twitter grows.

Just recently Craig Newmark and Joe Trippi both gave through Twitter. One cool thing about this is that twitter retweets are really powerful. Super users on Twitter try something, and lots of their followers see it and try it out too. That makes this campaign not only a great experiment in casual giving, but also a passively viral donation engine. Two other campaigns I’m really excited about are the Google Lunar X-Prize and The Salvation Army.

tipjoy.com :: our 2 ¢: An update on MicroGiving using Tipjoy on Twitter (via giantrobotlasers)

Alot to unpack in here, including (a) casual giving in a (b) social/viral way.

(via betaworks)


We’re starting a speaker series with Jelly called Jelly Talks.

Once a month we’ll invite an awesome speakers to a local Jelly and live webcast it out to all other Jellies happening around the world, accompanied by live chat and followed by a worldwide Q&A. It’s sponsored by Yahoo.

This month’s speakers are Chris Messina (OpenID) and Dave Morin (Facebook Connect), followed by Guy Kawasaki next month.

This is something I’ve been working on for a while, and I’m really excited to see it come together!

p.s. You can participate from anywhere. Find out more here: Jelly Talks

(via superamit)

help make creative commons universal

from mandiberg.com

A few days ago I posted 10 things I learned in the process of successfully negotiating a CC license with a book publisher. This contract was for xtine burrough and my co-authored Digital Foundations, which takes the Bauhaus exercises and translates them into software based exercises. Yesterday Bob Chao posted it on CNET Taiwan fully translated. And then Po-chiang Chao put it up on the Taiwanese CC site.

This got me really excited about a HOWTO CC Translation Project. I have contacted CC’s Fred Benenson who is excited about it too. So, here’s the procedure:

  1. Read the original post
  2. Translate that post into one of the many many CC jurisdictional languages
  3. Post that translation to your blog; if you don’t have a blog, you can email it to me (michael – mandiberg – com)
  4. I will forward those links to Fred at CC, who will make sure they get to the person in charge of that language
  5. I will post links to translations on my blog as they come in
  6. We will make it easier to negotiate for Free Culture

an into to the flatvista project

in 2007, noneck noel ventured around the world to connect with the bits between us all and live a life without walls. in 2009, he found another friend who claims to help one live a life without walls. so he’s sending his rock star friend – an unopened, unadulterated, misunderstood copy of Vista Ultimate – for the ultimate life without walls experience – a no holds bars 444 day journey around the world.

originally shunned by it’s owner for being a “bad copy” and society as flawed, flatvista seeks social acceptance beyond the scope of just being software. it wants to live up to the dream of a life without walls. accompanied by a blank moleskine journal, the “Ultimate” software experience wants to take it’s misunderstandings, personality flaws, and put itself to good use. 

starting at the end of February, a wrapped flatvista will travel for 444 days in an attempt to circumnavigate the globe and visit all seven continents. for every day of the journey, hosts are requested to fill out one page of the accompanied moleskine journal, take photos and shoot videos. the best content will be published to http://flatvista.net.

from the mountain tops to the strip clubs – this will truly be the ultimate software experience! join our troubleshooting group and help us out.

* this project is not associated with Moleskine nor Microsoft. all uses of copyrighted / trademarked names are held by their respective IP blah, blah.