Oh Lordy. I’m so bloated. Maybe I shouldn’t be drinking this beer.
Month: September 2008
for all the conference organizers out there, how do you represent your work w/in your resume?
Just had my first porchetta sandwich! Pig wrapped in fat, then slow rosted for 3 hours. Go to 7th btw 1 and a for yummess!
in preparation for #TN2020 i’m looking for a couch in belfast. http://tinyurl.com/4d5q2v
anyone have a friend in befast who will let me crash on their couch this weekend?
I’m a total sucker for danes. Oh lord, why did you me such an odd beast? (btw, I’m on the verge of drunkin’ness. D)
Note to self – I need a pink wig.
Watching “lost in translation” & fighting the mind’s eye.
The moon is red and low slung. It’s quite attractive 😉
Count them! I have 8 mosquito bites on my ankles! Blood suckers love me.