when in a rut, dance. http://tinyurl.com/6fjc7m
Month: September 2008
Prez Debates + Twitter = live mashing. http://bit.ly/2lhQEX
And for a second I thought my bike was stolen. I wonder who’s the misteriois lock on my poll. Nitch betta not take my poll.
Snap! Did you know that parrot fish shit white sand beaches? F’ing genious!
Mathews brings up a good point. Where did Obama’s passion go? Also, what’s up with the telaprompters?
Can someone make a daily show/colbert report iPhone app? This sgit is the killer app. 😉
For twice in one night I’m in the back seat of an NYC cab. Oh how I loath being in the front seat.
i #invented child abuse. http://tinyurl.com/5qmfwd (put this video on repeat!!!)
when life batters you around, it’s time to make cake. who wants icecream?
Why am I such a sucker for end of the world movies?