(via elpasajero)
Beautiful Trash?
Trash: anycoloryoulike is a vivid art intervention for urban beautification and environmental awareness. This is a rapidly growing project by Adrian Kondratowicz, based the simple idea that trash bags are also sculptoric forms.
Kind of looks like leftovers from a little girls birthday party.
anyone want copies of the economist from 2005, 2006 & 2007?
Images from Iran’s Presidental Election via’s big picture (h/t @NickBilton & @mYoung)
(via 1000lolz: rockuboff: teamsassypants)
this NYTimes article should have the headline “a Keen couple heads to Greenwich for Wedding.” in my younger days, i would have rewritten the headline about lesibans and comfortable shoes. anyway, we need marage equality AND that’s not a joke!