Inbar has located the geographic center of NYC! It is located at 58th Street and Queens Blvd, Queens and there is a plaque!!!
Tag: meta
Welcoming Chis Whong as BetaNYC’s newest co-captain!
Welcoming Chis Whong as BetaNYC’s newest co-captain!
Today, Code for America announced its 2013 Brigade class. I’m happy to announce our Chris Whong will be joining us as a BetaNYC co-captain! This is a great day for us.
I find the idea of parallel universes oddly comforting. Somewhere, I made the right decisions.
(via samtresler)
and so it begins… at noon, he took out his razor, shaved a 5cm square on his left arm & opened the package. after a bit of befuddlement, the nicotine patch started to tingle.
noneck’s kicking the habbit