Ralph Yozzo, a BetaNYC brigade member, has put together NYC’s first 311 Google Glass app.
This is a great example of a #Reinvent311 App. BTW, submissions are due by 9 am, 6 Jan. Get a hacking, that’s tomorrow morning!!!!
a nurd, mechanic, tourist, organizer, & perpetual civic servent.
Ralph Yozzo, a BetaNYC brigade member, has put together NYC’s first 311 Google Glass app.
This is a great example of a #Reinvent311 App. BTW, submissions are due by 9 am, 6 Jan. Get a hacking, that’s tomorrow morning!!!!
nycTWG’s letter to de Blasio on technology and transition
We write today to draw your attention to the historic opportunity the de Blasio administration has to harness the explosion in everyday Internet and mobile technology. This new technology can help the average New Yorker get the greatest benefit from their city government, and help your administration better marshall the city’s resources to serve the public.
As a candidate for mayor, Bill de Blasio told technologists:
“I believe there should be a top-level position that oversees technology and innovation at a citywide level, across agencies. Titles can be sorted out post-election.”
We agree. There is a clear need for the de Blasio administration to do what large businesses and the federal government do, which is to effectively coordinate across agencies, to ensure that all agencies use the best practices in technology, procurement, and digital content management. Managing technology across all agencies is beyond the capacity and authority of a shared service agency like DOITT, and far exceeds the existing authority and responsibility of NYC Digital.
Our groups strongly support New York City’s open data law, and have seen how powerful it is to use technology for data analytics and performance management, both at City Hall and within agencies. The de Blasio administration should build on this by doing even more with data analytics, and by getting the greatest value from expensive data collection and analysis by making that information publicly available and usable. Pulling together the city’s disparate digital information and technology is a big challenge, but it is the operational underpinning of many of your policy goals.
We wish you good luck as you search for the next generation of technology and innovation leaders, and appreciate your consideration of our views.
The story of OS/2 is now fading into the past. In today’s fast-paced computing environment, it may not seem particularly relevant. But it remains a story of how a giant, global mega-corporation tried to take on a young and feisty upstart and ended up retreating in utter defeat. Such stories are rare, and because of that rarity they become more precious. It’s important to remember that IBM was not the underdog. It had the resources, the technology, and the talent to crush the much smaller Microsoft. What it didn’t have was the will.
NYPD’s approach to these two types of data encapsulates Ray Kelly’s blind spot for traffic violence: The police are pleased to show people where they should take extra precautions to preserve their cars, but not where they need to advocate for greater protection from dangerous driving.
Next Monday, I’ll be helping nycdigital host their .NYC TLD listing session. Join me and other members of the .NYC community advisory board and figure this out!
Join NYC Digital for a workshop and info session on .nyc, New York City’s Top-Level Domain. A top-level domain (TLD) is what is at the end of a domain name such as .com, .org or .edu.
Date: Monday, December 9
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Brooklyn Law School, 205 State Street,…
It’s a salute to an era when subways were meant to enhance the quality of life in the city,” said Gene Russianoff, a longtime transit advocate for the Straphangers Campaign. “I guess they do now, but not with beautiful stations.
The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation
“He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled.”
To him, the earth’s surface beyond the pavement was simply a moving tableau — a gauzy, unreal backdrop for his high-speed travel. He was spatially crippled. The writer Rebecca Solnit nails this mind-set perfectly in her book “Wanderlust: A History of Walking”: “In a sense the car has become a prosthetic, and though prosthetics are usually for injured or missing limbs, the auto-prosthetic is for a conceptually impaired body or a body impaired by the creation of a world that is no longer human in scale.”
this is NYC’s Open Data Catalogue compliance dashboard. despite being several months late, super cool.
“You can’t beat politics with new technology all the time. Sometimes you have to actually make sure that politics are in line with what people want. A lot of people are giving up on politics and thinking they can solve issues with technology. These kind of arrogant behaviours towards the rest of the society are a bit disgusting,” Sunde told Wired.co.uk in a Skype interview.