It’s 4am here in china and i’m heading out to take sunrise photos of the national stadium. I hope the sky doesn’t pee on me 2day.
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The sky is way too overcast for a nice sunrise. Can’t they use one of their smog killing guns and brighten the day?
The myth that all chins smoke is now been busted
Shoeed west away from tibetan protesters climbing polls outside of nest
There is now a tibetan protester climbing a western poll. Moving to att pim for qik
Wow! The locals are hot and bothered. Heading back to the hotel.
Drinking up kitch at grain rain, one of two ragga bars in beijing.
it’s wickly funny that linda, one of the guest house girls, has a shirt with the jiffy lube logo. though, on her shirt it’s about being a GF
the house guest girls are teasing me about eating 27 dumplings. to be honest, i wanna eat the last three but i think i’m gonna puke.
you know when a cat or a dog licks his/her paws and then burrys their head. i knida feel like that.