i’ve moved back to my at&t sim. tomorrow moring i sleep & then we party like it’s 1999.
Category: Uncategorized
Cell battery low and i haven’t found a ticket in but i did a fellow group of kids from brooklyn.
wanna talk about fustration? not only did i lose my new friends from brooklyn, but my cell phone died. then i grew sick & tiredofthesecurity
The best way to the north-south road is via the subway. Now the only question is where to stand. East & west subway entrances r packed.
The area they just cleared of from has now been opened. Video slowly uploading to qik
mustering up energy and heading out to the bird’s nest. five hours till the start of the opening ceremony!!!
cctv9 (the english channel) is one awesome piece of propaganda and makes Fox news look “fair and balanced”
finally made it back to the hotel & they are ordering me some spicy beef! on TV, i now see why we were kicked out of t square. worldleaders
Wow! Did you know that the torch was followed around the world by organized supporters from the china govt?
It’s either too hot or i wore the wrong pants. Heading to the hotel to ice off & eat dumplings