OMG I’m on.TV is post-analog TV station broadcasting in NYC on channel 14. We’re broadcasting internet content to your TV, through a low-power TV transmitter. The website acts as an aggregator of online video content. You get to create the shows, vote on the shows, and participate in the whole process.
The TV station will run for a period of 30 days during which it will explore new content broadcast through an old nostalgic format. Analog television has been given the kiss of death, we’re reviving it for a few more days. So enjoy it while it lasts.
There are a lot of great things about analog TV in addition to its fuzzy format. We love the lack of control. On the web, so many options create a panic of possibilities. On OMG TV, there is no fast forward button or other videos to distract you. In OMG TV’s simplicity you can sit back and watch one video at a time.