Porsche’s move took three years of careful maneuvering. It was darkly brilliant, a wealth transfer ingeniously conceived like few we’ve ever seen. Betting the right way, Porsche roiled the financial markets and took the hedge funds for a fortune.

Betting the wrong way, Adolf Merckle took his life.

A very readable explanation of a winner-takes-all poker game, where a number of hedge funds got taken by Porsche. How strategically played by Porsche may not be known for many years, but hedge funds bet like mad against them … and lost all.

ivan krstić · code culture » How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a killing

(via tedr)

my dream job

You will be…

  • Working with a team that empowers people and educates them on community media techniques.
  • Working with online and offline communities to further unify the global connections we all share.
  • In a position to explore artistic creativity, hone multimedia production skills and explore innovative outreach techniques.
  • The organization has a track record of innovation and is willing to fully document techniques for all to enjoy.
  • The organization desires new partnerships to test out theories of empowerment and communication.
  • This position is located in New York City and allows for flex workspace. (You will have to travel.)

In a sentence: A global collective which enables self-directed individuals  to thrive in their pursuits, allowing these individuals to spend more time  working in their pursuits, allowing these individuals to spend more time fulfilling their core-competency . As a collective we focus on big problems for social good through collaboration in small teams, multiple, self-assembled teams, form, disband, and reform around meaningful betterment .