after watching “sex in the city” the movie, I really want a dog that can hump on command. im sure he’ll be a hit!
Month: December 2008
my Thai, Drupal buddy, @sugree just had a baby girl! woot! send him some love.
most depressing walk home is now being beat by the most depressing line up of TV shows. why have all of my friends left me alone? 🙁
bubbly, bubbly, bubbly goes my stomach. I shouldn’t have purchased the 2% milk. ☠
2 the toon of jingle bells, “here comes a hipster, there goes a hipster, right down hipster lane. looking for drugs & wearing tight jeans.”
someone has taken my copy of “life aquatic.” thank goodness they gave me the extras dvd. 🙁
gurrr! within 5 mins of use, twittilator has filled up 100 access requests. #lame
finally catching up to uploading a bunch of old photos on flickr. check em. :*
awesome. tonight’s nova, the race for absolute zero. no, it’s not about the economy, but tempature.
RT @Digidave: Spot.Us funds 1 last story in 08’ – What Ails the Oakland PD? Investigation will begin in 09’.