just pulling into the bus stop. where are people having pre-#rootscampdc08 drinks?
Month: December 2008
(if you wanna get twisted by a Russian Clown, RUN DON’T WALK!) RT @avay: My write-up of Slava’s Snowshow: http://tinyurl.com/6aoksn
I lub the neurosis of Noah baumbach.
#boltbus internet is wonderfully clutch!
bike chain broke.
welcome to the global economic meltdown and the last few days of the worst American president.
I’m on the 14h00 #boltbus to dc! #rootscampdc here I come!
packing my bags for #RootsCampDC
1hour till polls close. the top two #NYTechMeetup canidates, #Nate08 at 294 votes (48%) & #Sanford08 at 134 votes (22%) http://bit.ly/oTJh
with 303 votes in, @innonate is the new #NYTechMeet up organizer. i hope he’s already drunk.