painfully I can’t buy boltbus tickets via my iPhone’s safari. 🙁
Month: December 2008
it breakfast time at #rcdc08. so hung over.
marshal gantz “it’s about the story” #rcdc08 “40 years is an omnious journey for our nation”
dammit! there are too many wonderful sessions at #rcdc08
I can’t belive how much Ohio’s Obama team placed on storytelling & vol test. #rcdc08
self, us & now! that’s the story that will build the 21st century progressive movement. #rcdc08
I’m totally digging @heif conversation on making strong local groups. #rcdc08
from @heif #rcdc08 “strong local groups are built on ownership”
please, lord, let #rootscampdc08 have some coffee! now in a very packed chapple.
crammed into the #rootscampdc08 shuttle w/ @Elana_brooklyn