it looks like i forgot which year i’m in. anywho, you should come to #thechange on wed!
Month: December 2008
note to self “ice cream is not wine, it too will decrease your afternoon productivity”
dear santa/h.harry, please deliver me an adult tricycle. i’m ready.
guess who’s quoted in this week’s Greenpoint Courier?
woot! thanks NOI for making #rootscampDc08 a blast! much love.
this boltbus is filled with some awesomely weird dreams. I wish you could join be on this crazy adventure. woot! dteaams!
I just passed a @garyvee billboard promoting winetv on I-95.
on the boltbus w/ a very hungry noneck. now, system resources will sleep.
heading back to doug’s house w/ @zhuli. then turkey fry!
I’m in “irony we can believe in” session at #rcdc08