from today’s century road club association blog… March 29, 2010 – Bicycling is a rapidly growing mode of transportation and the New York-New Jersey region is facing increased demand for expanded bicycle infrastructure, safer bicycle routes, access to transit connections and secure parking facilities. While we recognize that many Port Authority facilities currently provide some accommodations for bicycle users, we need to prepare more systematically for the growing use of bicycles as a mode of travel within the regional transportation system.

How many users does 4chan have?
We started with 20 users, now we’re the largest active forum in the United States with 8.2 million unique visitors every month, and 600 million page loads per month. People are on the site are on for an average of 19 minutes at a time and look at 30 pages each. On top of that, we’re currently getting 800,000 new posts a day.

After Meeting Walder, Student Transit Advos Set Sights on City and State

After Meeting Walder, Student Transit Advos Set Sights on City and State

Under Mr. de Blasio’s proposal, city officials would be encouraged — but not required — to post the applications of nonprofit groups and others seeking additional funds to a Web site called Open Government NYC. The database would allow users to search the name of the elected official to whom the application is made, the name of the applicant, the date of the funding request and the purpose of the request. The site would also disclose which items received funding