In the summer of 2009, The New York Senate was the first government organization to post code to GitHub, and that fall, Washington DC quickly followed suit. By 2011, cities like Miami, Chicago, and New York; Australian, Canadian, and British government initiatives like GOV.UK; and US Federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission, General Services Administration, NASA, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were all coding in the open as they began to reimagine government for the 21st century.

Five characteristics of an open source city:
1. Fostering a culture of citizen participation
2. Having an effective open government policy
3. Having an effective open data initiative
4. Promoting open source user groups and conferences
5. Being a hub for innovation and open source businesses

Updating “Producing Open Source Software” for 2nd Edition by Karl Fogel — Kickstarter

Updating “Producing Open Source Software” for 2nd Edition by Karl Fogel — Kickstarter

When the laws of the system become easier to understand and open to being changed, the current agents controlling the system, and potentially abusingit, lose power. That’s what Docracy is doing, and I believe it is some of the most important work that any startup is working on right now.