on the bus to meetup w/ @avay & then we’re off to CP & the Whitney. anyone else heading to the musurms?
Month: December 2008
clutch. hipster runoff. http://bit.ly/9abo
One last event for @nwc for 2008! Clean Off Your Plate: All the stuff you’ve been putting off? Now’s the time to do it! http://tr.im/2h46
a music video that mirrors nyc in the snow http://katiechastain.com/
cool. i <3 http://opentape.fm/
RT:: There will be a Silicon Alley snowball fight at 3PM at the ShakeShack/Mad Sq Pk. Bring cameras. Leave fear home. #nycsnowball Plz RT!
RT @avay: Wow…Amanda Palmer on ukelali covering Radiohead: http://tinyurl.com/54rm2y
at the angelika to see slumdog millionare. hungry, hungry, hungry!
i’ve just debunked the myth that my house is closer to Graham Ave than Bedford Ave. both subway stops are 0.7/0.8 miles from my front door.
out of 75, Esquire can only recommend 1 female writer 2 men? RT @avay: What irony am I marveling at, you ask? http://tinyurl.com/42bzdf