one more reason why i <3 NYC & the NY Times – #Represent!
Month: December 2008
looking for last min gifts to send your friends? check out the latest album from #RevBilly & the chuch of stop shopping!
OMZ! if i really do look this cute without a beard, then i might have 2 shave. btw, this is a fewdays after my last shave
can’t sleep. turning up the eno & writing.
holy shit, there were 100,000 Nazi Muslims who toiled in the balkins & were part of the ss.
know how we joke about da history channel as the Hitler channel? currently they r showing saddam & the 3rd Reich. f’ing proof in da pudding!
thank goodness for oasis. without them this poor man wouldn’t have a hot meal tonight.
woot. my little brother is coming to NYC for his 24th b-day/new years!
I’m now all here.