oh no. this isn’t falafel! #weird
Month: December 2008
who put falafel in my pocket?
just caught my roommate cheating on santa. i can’t wait to tell ms. clause.
I just loaded up brightkite. if ur here find me. – http://bkite.com/03aiG
arg. cash = relative outside air tempature. 😛
I should have done this… then i wouldn’t be broke this “holiday” http://bit.ly/5VON
Who’s up for reading one book a month in 2009? it’s known as “to be read” aka #TBR http://bit.ly/NgnH (link via @avay)
RT @avay: haha…Periodic Table of Awesoments: http://tinyurl.com/66urot
Who’s on #NYTimesPeople? If you’re on it, don’t forget to add “noneck”
packing up my gear and heading to wburg_coworking. i really wish i could work from home today.