“Security” patrols stationed at polling places in Philly http://ff.im/6gR
Month: November 2008
camera phone ≠ a weapon http://tinyurl.com/58vcrg
RT Don’t believe what you see on #MSNBC. They keep broadcasting the wrong poll closing times! http://mediamatters.org/items/200811040014
R/T @BaghdadBrian “oooooooook time for #baghdadbaby to come out already!” congrats!!!
R/T @GracePiper “know your district # and bypass 30-40 min. preliminary line. Tell folks working door u know it 2 get directed”
WTF!?! Palin wouldn’t say who she voted for because of privacy issues?
R/t from 866OURVOTE “BREAKING: EP is calling for extended voting hours by 2 HOURS in VA http://is.gd/6jyU”
why does CNN have their own election protection hotline?
holy crap! the line at #ps110 in #11222 just doubbled. I knew I shouldn’t have gone back to bed.
Harry Waisbren is kicking some #VoteReport ass by reviewing 211 of YOUR REPORTS!!!