Is heading to the airport. After breakfast with chuck, I’m f’ing stuffed! I can’t wait to pass out.
Month: September 2008
mccain is talking about stopping all funding for science
#RNC08 that speech sucked ass.
#RNC08 – why do i have to fight? i’d rather work w/ other people and together we will work our asses off ass…
#RNC08 here’s another maverick in a sexy suit
why does this guy sound right from the ‘80s… #RNC08
#RNC08 “drill baby drill! drill baby drill! drill baby drill! drill baby drill!”
#RNC08 with this static color background, you can now photoshop McCain into any location. where should he go?
#RNC08 there are protesters in the convention hall. CSpan is putting them on camera
#RNC08 just spoke with the Uptake van. they are heading back to the office.