The best SuperbOWL ad – #AmericaTheBeautiful

As I watched last night’s superb OWL ads, there was one that really spoke to my vision/dream of America.

Coke’s #AmericaTheBeautiful ad is epic.

First of all, it was one of the few ads that actually had people of color in it. Woop! America is much more than a black and white nation!!!!

Second, It shows America as it is, colorful, diverse, ethnic, traditional, and in one case, gay & ethnic! YUP! According to GLADD, this ad is the first nationwide ad to have a gay couple. OMG, gay-americans drinking soda?!!!

Third, if you were thinking of switching to Pepsi because they “aren’t” gay. Think again!!! Pepsi is recognized for their support of equal rights in the work place. FML right!?

Finally, please stop drinking so much soda. It is so bad for you. Water is so much better. No, really. Stop. Please!
