BigAppsNYC launches but opaqueness remains

dear mayor boomburg, DOITT & NYCEDC,

i’m confused as to why NYCEDC has decided to deliver the BigAppsNYC campaign in such an opaque manner. while i’m all for this program, i’m troubled by it’s execution. as of 9:00 am is live, but one must wait till 5pm to see the data (& wait till NY Tech meetup to officially hear about it’s launch). too boot, no where on the website (the organization who’s software is running the campaign) can you find a person, a phone number, or a face behind the product. if gov 2.0 is about transparency, accessibility, and accountability, this “soft launch” doesn’t meet the mustard.


BigAppsDevCamp & the future of OpenGov NYC

at PDF ‘09, Mayor Bloomberg announced his version of Government 2.0, something called the BigApps competition. for the past few months, many within the OpenGov NYC community have wondered what the hell is going.

with two weeks till the deadline, a group of entrepreneurs and OpenGov supporters are organizing BigAppsDevCamp to explore the NYCEDC’s RFP and RFPI.

join us this Saturday or next for BigAppsDevCamp and the future of OpenGov NYC.