at first, i thought that @corybooker’s blizzard tweets made for goodwill & good PR, but don’t represent actual good leadership or management because Mayor-as-grandma’s-shoveler or Mayor-as-311-operator-on-twitter isn’t scalable. And he should spend his time building capacity and infrastructure and systems for how a city handles the blizzard. he should be in meetings, making important decisions.

imagine a bloomberg or obama responding to citizen call-for-help tweets… ridiculously unscalable.

but now i realize there’s potential in what he’s doing that can have even more scalable impact: he’s modeling what he wants citizens to do: engage. if people tune in and see him engaged & helping people — and he calls on THEM to engage & help each other, the impact potential is incredibly scalable.

when has bloomberg or obama actually, specifically, directly asked people to help each other or connect with each other?

ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do with each other.

and if they asked while they were in-the-trenches modeling what they wanted other people to do — not in a photo-opp way, but in this @corybooker-twitter way — a lot of people would get swept up & involved. and/or feel obliged.

it’s like a company where the execs are doing, making, building — not strategizing and meeting.

in a human-scale 21st century, the giant organization organization-man feels antiquated — while @corybooker shovels, tweets, and inspires others to do the same.

(via heif)

This storm is not like any other we’ve had to deal with,” Mr. Bloomberg said at a news conference from the Office of Emergency Management in Downtown Brooklyn late Tuesday morning, referring to the intensity of the blizzard and the number of vehicles that remain stuck in snowdrifts on city streets. “We are doing everything we possibly can.

I was part of the NYC Bicycle Advisory Committee formed by Koch in 1978. Much of the agenda laid out then was accomplished by Koch, and much of the rest has been put in place by following administrations. Koch was not at all a bicycle failure, and what Bloomberg is doing is not at all out of line with plans laid out over 30 years ago.

…the [USPS] has a unique asset that could allow it to make money by collecting valuable data that would contribute to the country’s safety and economic health: its far-reaching network of trucks. The service’s thousands of delivery vehicles have only one purpose now: to transport mail. But what if they were fitted with sensors to collect and transmit information about weather or air pollutants? The trucks would go from being bulky tools of industrial-age communication to being on the cutting edge of 21st-century information-gathering and forecasting.