It is an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation, created by leading members of the Community. It continues to build on the foundation of ten years’ dedicated work by the Community. It was created in the belief that the culture born of an independent Foundation brings out the best in contributors and will deliver the best software for users. It is open to any individual who agrees with our core values and contributes to our activities. It welcomes corporate participation, e.g. by sponsoring individuals to work as equals alongside other contributors in the community.

We’re excited to join a group of pioneering agencies and offices – like,, and [ …and]– that have helped activate a movement that embraces and promotes inter-agency website efforts, while helping to usher in systemic change. As an open source content management system, Drupal also enjoys a robust and active community of users, code contributors, and evangelists.

Make no mistake: There are many things to like about Vito Lopez. The longtime lawmaker is one of the most progressive power brokers in Albany, leading on issues such as affordable housing, caring for seniors and protecting loft tenants. But Lopez’s bare-knuckled approach to politics — one that many voters may think died with Tammany Hall or other urban machines — is destructive to democracy. Like Lopez, it must go.