Although traffic fatalities have been on the decline overall, they are almost intersecting with the city’s homicide rate. As of the end of September, there were 203 traffic fatalities in the five boroughs – just 39 fewer than the number of murders in the same period.

Well, Citi Bike launched more than a month ago, and there have been no deaths or serious injuries. Unless this first month was a total outlier, Citi Bike won’t result in a significant increase in bike fatalities in NYC, let alone the doubling or tripling predicted by Pucher. As the AP glossed over quickly, only three minor injuries have resulted after more than 500,000 rides. It’s too early to extrapolate what the Citi Bike safety record will be over the course of an entire year, but it is safe to say that the injury rate on Citi Bike so far is much lower than the overall bike injury rate in NYC.

Wednesday, June 3. It’s a week now. I’ll admit, I’ve always supported bike share in principle. But I never thought it would be for me. I’ve changed my mind. I actually think Citi Bike is going to become a feature in my life. Every day, I’ve thought of new ways it’s useful. And I like that I feel excited every time I use it.

Are there glitches one week in? Sure. I’ve heard some online chatter. But guess what? A hundred years later, the subway has glitches too. Citi Bike will only improve.

But even now, in an era of hyper-localization, of neighborhood blogs and Patch sites, many of us have little sense of what our community boards are doing, little time to pay attention, and the boards in turn often are short-staffed and cannot possibly disseminate information on every issue.