my closing arguments for YOUR #NYTM votes & voices.

Thank you friends. Thank you geeks & thank you NEW YORK! No where else will you find such a diverse, passionate lot of nurds, geeks & dweebs who are ready to tackle the future head on.

This week has been refreshing. This NY Tech Meetup election is about the next steps – big and small. After hearing the promises, arguments and campaign speeches, TODAY COMES DOWN TO YOU!

Will the board AND community grow its associationparticipate in solving the problems at hand with innovative solutions? YES, WE CAN DO THIS AND MORE!

NYTM Friends,  I need your vote by 3pm ET at

GLOBAL friends, I need your tweets of support. Please share with the world the following lines…

NYTM Voters: “NY needs an API for the future! I just voted for @noneck for the #NYTM board. Vote "Noel Hidalgo” at!“

Non-voters: "I support @Noneck. #NYTM’s board needs his API for the future. Vote "Noel Hidalgo” at

Thanks for hearing me out…

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