We are in an era of institution failure. From the Tea Party to Occupy Wall St. there is a recognition that our institutions no longer sufficiently serve us. Open data can’t solve this problem, but it is part of the solution. The challenge of the old order and the institutions it fostered is that its organizing principle is built around the management (control) of processes, it’s been about the application of the industrial production model to government services.
Month: October 2011
“If any startup can wrangle the attention of the country and the world as fast as Occupy Wall Street has, then I’d love to hear about that startup,” – @heif
What’s needed, then, are mechanisms for users to delegate authority over their devices to third parties while holding those parties accountable for their decisions, along with a less autarkic definition of user freedom that leaves room for such delegation. This is a new problem for the software industry, but fortunately it’s not a new problem for Western civilization. Centuries ago, western societies began to develop institutions and principles for delegating authority to third-party regulators while still holding them accountable for their decisions.
Calling for better graphics is also like calling for more sunshine and free chocolate – who’s going to disagree with that? What they do is ignore why people produce their own graphics.
In the open source movement, we are all leaders. Now, the occupy wall street movement is working to educate the world as how one can take to movement with them. http://www.occupytogether.org/ WE ARE ALL LEADERS!
Who was the original “occupy wall street” protester? #owc
DevOps is the growing practice of forging tight collaboration between application developers and IT operations staff to continually improve performance, automation, and scalability of software and systems. The philosophy is also the force behind scripting language-based infrastructure automation tools, such as Puppet and Chef. But it’s also a reflection of the necessities that come from trying to provide reliable systems based on increasingly complex and unreliable stacks of software and infrastructure.
In our political debate, there is no compatibility between the notions of customization and community, the twin pillars of the digital age. It’s always one or the other.
To aid him in his fight, Amit is going to need a bone marrow transfusion. Unlike blood transfusions, finding a genetic match for bone marrow that his body will accept is no easy task. The national bone marrow registry has 9.5 million records on file, yet the chances of someone from South Asian descent of finding a match are only 1 in 20,000. This is where we come in. We’re going to destroy those odds.