Mayor Bloomberg has brought more openness to all areas of city government than anyone else,” Benjamin Branham, a spokesman for the corporation, said. “E.D.C. is pleased to work with the comptroller to provide additional transparency to its operations so that New Yorkers can better understand the resources being committed to increase economic development and job creation throughout the five boroughs.

At an event Monday morning at the Hatchery, a co-working space in San Francisco, Lee said that the changes in the city’s open data legislation followed best practices established in New York City and Chicago, and proposed by the Sunlight Foundation*. While Chief Innovation Officer Jay Nath helps to promote open data and other technology projects externally, he said, “we need somebody on the inside to get [city departments] on a higher level of sharing their data.”

This is, and will remain, “a metro nation,” Mr. Katz said. National politicians are “about 25 years out of whack” with demographic and economic changes under way both here and abroad, he said, adding: “So the conversation in Washington seems to be happening in almost a parallel universe to the conversation at the local level, where the rubber hits the road, where you really have to grapple with issues. You can’t duck them.”

#PrezD2012, The American Presidential Debates, #NYTech style…

Hello New Nurd City!

With America’s Presidential election in full swing, the Open NY Forum and New Work City are teaming up to present you the 2012 Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates, aka #PrezD2012

Like all proper #NYTech events, we are going to nurd out at 11! We will have three screens – the candidates, our own backchannel (aka #PrezD2012), and (hopefully) a ‘truth sayers wall’ calling out all the “miss-facts” / “untruths” / or as the ‘real’ America calls them “lies…”

As we are startupistas, this is a BYOB event. Feel free to bring your favourite Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Black/Red or Rainbow drinking bingo board. Hell, bring a few copies for your neighbour. While seating is limited to 50, I can promise you the lies won’t be.

Don’t forget to bring your Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Black/Red, or Rainbow party propaganda and join us for #PrezD2012!!!

First Presidential Debate, Wed, 3 Oct –
Vice Presidential Debate, Thurs, 11 Oct –
Second Presidential Debate, Tues, 16 Oct –
Final Presidential Debate, Mon, 22 Oct –

From your friends at New Work City and Open NY Forum… If you wanna sponsor these events, we’re down with that too… Contact @Noneck on twitter. Donka!